Make your applications "contactless"
The Paperless Solutions Group (PSG) eApplication is a web-based intelligent data and fillable forms solution giving both carriers and distributors a flexible yet robust platform for digitalizing applications. No matter the type of application needed, long or short “ticket” form, Life/LTC/Disability Income/Annuities, individuals or groups - PSG has the solution.
Your application, your brand
The PSG eApplication provides sophisticated rules support that is easily customized by carrier distribution channel. With our service, you can have a unique "User Interface" customized to your brand and easily integrated into your website supporting direct-to-consumer sales. In addition to carriers, customization is available for Direct Marketers, BGAs and Independent Financial Advisors
eSignature imbedded
Our eApplication includes an imbedded carrier/government compliant eSignature to fully automate the application process.
Not every agent or consumer wants to complete their forms online and as a carrier or distributor, you've got to be able to support these needs. PSG can help solve that problem by giving your staff, your agents and advisors, and even your consumers quick and easy access to a rules-driven experience ensuring everyone will get exactly what they need.
Our tool also supports a “client-side editing” feature with imbedded highlighting capabilities so you can emphasize areas requiring special attention by your clients.
eApplication is a Service Mark of the Paperless Solutions Group